Arrogance and Ignorance

When your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance !

With great fanfare and against all odds Donald Trump is the new President Elect of the United States of America.


If you listened to the pundits, Trump won it against all odds. The so called ‘experts’ got it all wrong. How could this be ?

Strange things happen in America. But as in the recent Australian election, Malcolm Turnbull also had it in the bag if you listened to the experts. This turned out to be far from the case as the Australian election went down to the wire. Turnbull just scrapped home with his tail between his legs. The Independents and in particular “One Nation”  with Pauline Hanson were back in business. How could the experts have gotten it so wrong ?

Recently, the people of Great Britain voted on whether to leave the European Union. If you listened to the “experts” the outcome would be to remain in the EU. Guess what! The people voted to leave the EU. Once again the advisory experts got it horribly wrong.

So what’s going on? How could the advisors, these so called experts be getting it so consistently wrong.

  • Question – What sort of so called professional advice are they giving the Hillary’s and Turnbull’s of the world?
  • Answer – Very poor advice that is becoming increasingly out of touch with the silent majority – the working middle class.

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Their arrogance is only surpassed by their ignorance.    

They’re getting so caught up in the verbosity of the minority groups that the silent majority has had a gut full of being the whipping boy to cover the costs and needs of the few. Career politicians have little intestinal fortitude to risk upsetting these verbose minority groups – the term political correctness comes to mind and that’s the skirt they hide behind.

Reality is, the silent majority are over their politicians’ lies and poor performance. And these recent outcomes would suggest that if the selected representatives of the people don’t start heeding the warning that is becoming increasingly obvious by starting to stand up for what they were elected to do by showing genuine leadership and stop being so out of touch with the majority – the working middle class, then they will join the line of the unemployed.

Stop being so arrogant and dismissive, you are only proving your genuine ignorance of the real every day world of the majority.

So when Donald Trump says he wants to “Drain the swamp” , the bell tolls for the gravy train bureaucracy, the career politicians and their ignorant advisors. The goal posts have moved and once again these  ‘experts’ and ‘representatives of the people’ didn’t see it coming.

That’s arrogance personified. -RD

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