Workplace Sabotage

Workplace Sabotage         

I was recently asked if I could re post the blog “Workplace Sabotage” So with additions and updates – The second edition.

If you haven’t already noticed, I have a keen interest and curiosity in what can impact both positively and negatively on human performance in any area of pursuit; and through recent discussions with colleagues who have experienced workplace conflict, combined with my own observations, we identified the traits of destructive personalities found in many workplaces that generally have a negative effect on the performance of the team. 

I understand what it takes to build a great team. I’ve experienced what it means and what it is to be a part of a team that works. The camaraderie that comes with looking after your team mates when it matters, when celebrating your successes and taking the failures on the chin, then regrouping together to go onto the next success.

Nothing lasts forever. To keep a strong team over many years isn’t an easy thing. If not carefully managed, certain influences can have a detrimental effect on the culture of the team. In fact, some of these influences can be nothing short of workplace sabotage. Unfortunately in some workplaces this behaviour is already so deeply ingrained in their culture, it’s at the detriment of the level of success that could have been attained.

Here are a couple of examples:

The Empire Builder usually has already gained a position of power, but as yet hasn’t risen to the level they aspire to. They intentionally aim to stop the advance of any workplace colleague that may threaten their chances of progress or promotion within the company. By stealth they are not a team player. However, they work very hard on being seen to be quite the opposite; particularly in the eyes of  the CEO, GM or whoever they feel is necessary to have on side to advance their position.They are rarely at fault, rather it will always be another member or members of the team that have let the side down. They need to feel superior and quite often delight in the pain of others – particularly if the other is a potential threat.

They will seek the accolades on an individual level but align themselves where the greatest chance of success lies. They are totally ego driven and certainly lack integrity – power is a must at all costs. It’s all about them.

Note: The most powerful thing in the world is an ego in control. The most dangerous thing in the world is an ego out of control !!

The Ignorant Workplace Saboteur  has spent many years working under the supervision of another workplace saboteur. Potentially they have been subjected to and suffered under the threatening and demeaning behaviour of their superior for so long that they ignorantly believe this is how you control and manage your staff or employees – you back stab, demean and blame others. Yet it appears they know no difference through their own pitiful ignorance. Not having been exposed or having gained experience in other workplaces, they have limited education and knowledge which significantly hinders their success in managing people and ultimately they’re team has very low morale and no long term commitment.

The Blissfully Ignorant Workplace Hijacker (unintentional)  is the individual that isn’t in the engine room or the front line. They’re usually in a support role like Admin or I.T. They don’t really have a handle on the core business. Yet they are more than happy to assist in or attempt to rectify any perceived operational issue that they stumble across without any level of consultation with the particular area manager – and usually without any real understanding of the fundamentals of the problem. For no apparent reason, they blissfully circumnavigate the chain of command going straight to the top of the chain with their perceived findings. This then results in a hijacking of the Manager responsible for the particular area of concern. The Manager is then totally blindsided by the ensuing interrogation only to dissapointingly learn how it all came about.

Usually once confronted, the blissfully ignorant hijacker is totally apologetic and genuinely remorseful. Acknowledging they didn’t truly understand the problem or consider what may ensue from their unintentionally ignorant actions. You know the “I was just trying to help” response. Generally they can be guided into a strong Ally prepared to assist when required. They just need direction and guidance.

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The Bully is the pathetic individual who through a level of reasonable intelligence, finds themselves in a supervisory or management position. They regularly lose their temper and subject subordinates to threatening verbal attacks with the aim of causing emotional detriment to the person receiving their attention.They misguidedly believe they are superior to most. They struggle under their own frustration and inability to be taken seriously by anyone who is prepared to stand up to them. Sadly, they can often be in a position of supervising younger team members who very rarely challenge them with hugely detrimental effects on the development and confidence of the younger member. These pathetic individuals should not be tolerated or given any opportunity to have any control over others in any organisation. They’re a liability to the companies (and community) obligations to their workforce and should not be tolerated

My Conclusion, 

Whether we like it or not there will always be the element of human nature and its complications. People will be people, educated and uneducated and no industry is immune. When I think about it, these characters are also active in any organisation – sporting clubs, educational institutions, politics, body corporate committees and such like. It’s not going to change in a hurry, if ever.

I’ve had the pleasure in experiencing great teams developed through great leadership. It is truly the difference between a motivated and aligned, high performance workforce or a workplace where one goes each day to pay the bills and apathy is supreme.

The results speak for themselves.

Without the vision and commitment from the very top in setting a standard that creates a winning and balanced environment with integrity, where people are recognised, appreciated and respected – the organisation will never reach it’s highest potential.

Which is your workplace ?? – RD

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2 thoughts on “Workplace Sabotage

  1. Nicely said RD. I once worked in a company that had a bully who was one of the owners and an younger empire builder was employed as my ward. The other company owner saw the empire builder as a younger version of himself. Worst 2 years of my life! However eventually the boss that identified with the younger doppelganger saw what was going on (after lots of trying to convince him) and got rid of him.
    Damage was done though, and I left about a year later and started my own business. So it all worked out in the end! Wasn’t fun but very happy with the result. 🙂

    • Thanks Dave,
      It seems to be a common thread through so many workplaces. Yet it’s not managed.
      They say people leave managers not the business.

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