Achieving Success

It feels like every second television and mass media ad is telling us how to achieve success. 

“For a limited time you too can drive the biggest and the best car, have the best of everything in your new home that’s the size of a 12th century castle.”

“You too can be just as gorgeous as that woman or perfectly groomed man living an idyllic life amongst all the other trendsetting beautiful people.”

All for the small price of being in debt up to your eyeballs!

Sadly many people need to falsely portray themselves as being materially successful. 

It seems perception is everything – it’s misleading others into a belief or opinion based on how things appear. It’s like a magician plying his illusionary skills in the hope of pulling off a believable act. For so many it’s just that, an illusionary act portraying a success that really doesn’t exist.

For me, true success isn’t just about money, that’s only one aspect. 

How would I define true success? 

How about “ The accomplishment of an aim or purpose” That sounds pretty close?

That aim or purpose could be financial, it might be happiness, or spiritual, your health, quality time with great friends and loved ones and all those other worthwhile achievements that make a rich life.

The habits we consistently live by go a long way towards how successful our lives become. 

The thing is anyone can do it and achieve most, if not all, of their aims or purposes.

So here’s what I believe are 9 skills and habits that have had a positive impact on my journey towards living a happy, rewarding and successful life.

1. Reality.

Be realistic about your goals. It would be unrealistic if your aim is to become a world acclaimed pianist when you’ve never played the piano. Don’t be someone or something you’re not.

2. Patience.

Learn to be patient, understand that things can take time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Interestingly, in a study done by Tom Corley, most millionaires who started with very little, didn’t reach this level of financial achievement until they were in their fifties.

3. Take Ownership.

Take responsibility for your own actions and wellbeing, eat well, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly. You’ll have more energy and a greater ability to focus. Get the jump on your day by rising early. As the Nike saying goes “Just Do It” and do it regularly.

4. Frugal.  

Be frugal. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need, it’s a waste of your hard earned money. Important note: There’s a big difference between being frugal and being cheap. Spending your money wisely is hugely different to wasting your money on cheap meaningless rubbish. When you need to, spend a bit more on quality products that will last.

5. Grind.

Develop the ability to grind it out. Sometimes you will be in the battle trenches, dealing with the highs and lows over long periods of time. Not losing focus on the end game is a skill well worth the effort.

6. Sacrifice.

Sacrifices will be required – nothing for nothing. Seriously, for every so called “Overnight success” there were many years of constant training and sacrifice that the majority of the world never saw.

7. Faith.

Have faith, over time it will work in your favour. Don’t sell yourself short. Make some quiet time, say your prayers – whether that’s to your inner self or a greater being, whatever it is that helps you maintain faith in your aims and purpose. Positive reinforcement can lead to a self fulfilling prophecy and having a spiritual calm is a huge strength.

8. Discipline.

Successful people over time have honed their life skills through developed habits. No discipline, no focus, no success!

9. Breathe.

Lastly – Learn to breathe, enjoy the ride and stay calm. Don’t take it all too seriously. Spending your days being frustrated or in a rush, thinking it’s all taking too long is only harming yourself. Don’t wish your life away. That day will come soon enough. Time is such a valuable commodity, don’t under value it. So breathe, keep it real and enjoy the moment!

As always – With gratitude and thanks for reading. RD


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