Resilience and Ancient Philosophy

I’ve spent a fair bit of time reading more than usual over the last twelve months. I read a few books by John Grisham (always a great fictional read) and the classic “Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens which was very enjoyable and gave me a further insight into the French Revolution – not…

Where To From Here

It’s been an interesting couple of months. Amongst the frustrations of the Covid pandemic, I lost Manstheory somewhere in cyber space. Technology support is a funny thing. The techie people talk to you like you know what’s going on. Just do this, then that, download this, contact them, redirect your server, do three handstands then…

Knowing Your Truth

Our dog passed away this week. Although she was 15 years and 3 months old, her passing was sudden and relatively unexpected. We’d spent a quarter of our lives with her. For our grown up children it was more like 50%. She was not only our pet but unquestionably a valued member of our family.…

Keep the Noose Loose

Interesting month just passed. I took two weeks off work with the intention of pushing on with completing a list of tasks I’d set myself around the house. Add a game of golf and get my annual health checkup. I’d accumulated a lot of leave, it was a way to get these tasks progressed so…

A Positive 2021

A follow up guest blog from Andre on the year that was 2020. Well 2020 was a tough gig for everyone, no doubt about it! From state border closures to the City of Melbourne being locked down, everyone made a sacrifice in their own way. If nothing, we all learnt how to endure the tough…

We All Need Downtime

Knowing when to pull up and catch your breath can be easy or it can be hard. I tend to do things the hard way. Let’s call this Part 1. Work has been crazy for a while now, mainly through difficulties with finding good staff. It’s been quite stressful on the team that always dig deep…

The Noble Young Man

It’s within walking distance to one of the best beaches in the world and it was always a bit of a sleeper and a well kept secret. Not anymore, things have changed dramatically in the last couple of years. Gentrification and population growth have well and truly made its way to our once sleepy dog…

No Time for Playtime

You’ve probably heard the 80/20 rule in business – 20% of your clients create 80% of your revenue and hence majority of your profits. What if we applied the 80/20 rule to a different application. That being 80% of your enjoyment or happiest hours come from 20% of your time.  If I consider my time…

Getting Results

A good friend of mine happens to be a Golf Professional and Coach. So it was after much frustration I gave up the idea that I could work this damn game out myself. I also proved time and time again that you can’t buy a golf game in a golf shop. I decided I either…