
It’s easy to take everything for granted when everything is just going along day after day, you’re doing your thing. Life goes on unimpeded. Then we get an unexpected reminder – a life moment where we or a loved one has experienced a health issue or has been involved in an accident. The question  “What if this is it”  takes centre…

The Fear Factor

Zig Ziglar spoke about F E A R as False Expectations Appearing Real. For whatever is causing our fear, more often than not it never actually eventuates. Yet we put ourselves through an emotional roller coaster for no real apparent reason. The fear of failure holds many people back from realising their potential. Having confidence in your abilities to work your way through life’s challenges…

Reece’s Asian Apricot Chicken

Hi All, I don’t mind a bit of cooking. Don’t get me wrong I’m not even close to a candidate for Masterchef. I just enjoy being creative and spending some quiet time in the kitchen. I love stir fry’s and so asian foods are a real favourite. The blends of wonderful flavours and fresh ingredients…

Inching You’re Way Through the Mud

A friend of mine uses the phrase “Inching through the Mud”. It relates to the difficulties in progressing through life’s complexities and how at times it can be a really slow and demanding process to actually gain any ground. Any progress comes painfully slow, nothing seems to head in the right direction – you’re swimming against…

The Mind Game of Golf

Even if you’re not into Golf – Golf does my head in and that’s where the challenge lies for me. It’s not only a game of inches, it’s a mental challenge in maintaining concentration under duress. I’m an expert in the duress aspect of the game. Please read on it gets better ! I’ve recently…


Time is everywhere, it influences virtually everything we do. It’s the mark of history. Time is the future. It’s on your wall, it’s on your wrist. It dictates how you spend your day and also your life. We talk about time – all the time. We have to be somewhere by a certain time… do you…

Clark Kent, Superman and Your Longevity

Hi Guys Today’s post is a classic example of a Superman moment – we’ve all done it. Brushing aside that pain or unusual feeling that has been lingering, dismissing it as nothing, it will go away. If it feels like something isn’t right – chances are it’s not. Trust your gut instinct. Yet we avoid…

The Benefits of Routine

The Benefits of Routine Christmas was great, we had friends and family visiting which was fantastic. Catching up, getting out and about and just enjoying and appreciating our time together was wonderful. We were all out of routine and that added to the enjoyment as it was good to get away from the usual day…

So You Want To Buy An Asset

I’m sure you have asked yourself the question or, you have already gone and acquired an asset at some stage in your life. This could be property, a business, shares or anything that you would generally expect to increase in value. Dean is an qualified CPA accountant and the CFO of a large privately owned…

Workplace Sabotage

Workplace Sabotage          I was recently asked if I could re post the blog “Workplace Sabotage” So with additions and updates – The second edition. If you haven’t already noticed, I have a keen interest and curiosity in what can impact both positively and negatively on human performance in any area of pursuit;…