Burn the Boats !

Deb and I have started planning our next change, it will set us on the path in what we want to experience and achieve in our lives. It’s not the first time we’ve arrived at a point where we’ve decided it’s time to start the change process. In our past, for varying reasons – our hand was either forced in making change or we decided we just wanted a change to invigorate ourselves. Each time we felt the time was right. Each time we put a lot on the line.

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I guess, it’s a bit like the yachtsman that recognises when he is getting close to exhausting the current path the wind delivered him to. But he still hasn’t completed the journey.

To reach his destination, he “tacks”, placing the yacht in a different direction which sets the course for the next leg of the journey. Regardless of the yacht’s direction the wind is still behind him, filling the sail.

I know it all sounds like a fanciful analogy, but timing can be everything. It’s keeping the momentum going and staying in front of the game.

Looking back, I won’t forget the challenges we had to overcome. I’m very proud of what we achieved in our commitment to better our situation. You learn a lot about yourself and others when you have no option but to succeed – when there is no going back. 

I’m not advocating throwing caution to the wind, you have to want change, you may have to be strategic, you have to know the timing is right, feel it in your bones. What’s best for you and your family. You have to be 100% committed and that alone can take a lot of courage.

Sometimes you have to “Burn the Boats!” So there is no going back, you have no option but to tough it out until you gain traction and start to see progress towards success. You have to back yourself and your abilities.

Otherwise, if you intentionally leave the gate to your comfort zone open, when the going gets tough and it will, it’s too easy to head back to the herd.

I love the quote from Gene Kranz, the flight director of the hugely distressed Apollo 13 mission. When things were getting extremely desperate, Kranz made it clear to his ground support team


There was no going back. Yep, Apollo 13 was an extreme situation compared to our daily choices, but the call succinctly described the situation. There was no comfort zone to return to! Failure was not an option.

Have you ever had the experience when you’re completely out of your comfort zone though you keep giving your best, you remain positive with the right attitude, taking responsibility and ownership for your actions? Then by some strange means you find yourself crossing paths with great people who by their virtue, open up new opportunities? They don’t have to but they do. They put their faith in you. They see value in you. It’s like some sort of polarised attraction. I can tell you I have! Call it sliding doors if you like.

Truly successful people like helping other people achieve their goals. It’s paying back what someone gave to them in achieving their success.

Looking back we have no doubt that the wonderful lives we have today are a result of the past decisions we made and the great people we have met in pursuing all the intrigue and interest life delivers.

This time our circumstances and the stage we are at in our lives are completely different. Our plans aren’t as extreme as our past changes, but the core driver is the same. There’s just too much to experience in the world and standing still living in hope won’t cut the mustard. We’re both truly excited and looking forward to the next phase of our journey. – RD

Note: In 1519, during the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Hernán Cortés, the Spanish commander, burned his ships, so that his men would have to conquer or die.


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4 thoughts on “Burn the Boats !

  1. It’s very true what you say. For most the thought of change is overwhelming and to difficult to take on so life runs along as it is being the safest option but with disappointment. Then there are the jumpers who go with a gut feel and some investigation of what they want to do and forge ahead. They are the small group that give the rest of us inspiration and hope. Cheers.

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