The Mongol Rally

Meat & Three Veg Hi All,  Have you ever had that thought where you would love to do something completely out of left field? You know – just break the mould for a while. Step off the treadmill and do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Something that’s a bit out there?…

In a Pickle

Have you ever heard the saying “Being in a Pickle”? The term was used by Shakespeare in the Tempest. ” How camest thou in this pickle” really meaning how did you get so drunk. It also means being in a difficult situation that may not be easily resolved. Did you know in the game of Baseball, when…


Hi All, I’ve known Debra for quite a while and she is one of the most organised people I’ve ever met. Whether it be her fitness regime, her attention to detail and how she sets out her week, it is world class. Deb spends her working week as an Executive Assistant ensuring the CEO and…

Expanding Your Horizons

Expanding Your Horizons AHOY !! Hi,  I’m Tess. Daughter of RD. I am 22 years old and up to a few years ago my story was very similar to many young people worldwide. After graduating high school, I went straight to university and graduated in October 2015 with a double degree in Law and International Relations.…


Whats it Mean to be Great ? Muhammad Ali said he was the Greatest! Then there was Alexander the Great and the Great Gatsby. So what makes a great person over someone who is not so great? How you spend your time will ultimately reward you with success or failure – whether you spend your…

The Negativity Bias

Negatively Wired Naturally As it turns out our brains have a bias towards negativity. The brain will react to positive feelings like a Porsche or a great golf shot mainly due to both being very rare or non existent in my life, but your brain reacts more strongly to negative stimuli. This “negativity bias” is…

A New Year Begins

2017 is upon us. I’ve looked back to consider what 2016 was to me. Firstly, I lived another year and I am more the wiser, so that in itself was a success. I discovered a lot more about myself and others. We did some exciting travel. We hung out with some fascinating, wonderful and motivating…

I Can’t Do It Anymore!

I’m done – I’m pulling the pin! Have you ever got to the point where you have just given up? I know I have. Only to realise later that you were actually very close to acheiving your goal. Hindsight is a great thing but of little use unfortunately. You set out with a great idea…

Your life, Your way

“Be yourself – every one else is taken” – Oscar Wilde                                 Unless you suffer from a disorder, you can’t be someone else.  You have to be yourself, you have to get on with what you have been given and…

Your Story

  THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE Quote – “This is the story of my life and I write it every day, I know it’s not black and white but it’s anything but grey” Jon Bon Jovi. Your story has to be one of the most important things in your life. Think about who you are…