Playing the Long Game

It’s been quite a while since I’ve sat down and wrote a post. So I hope you can spare five minutes out of your busy life to have a catch up read. Over the past year or so, both myself and my wife had started to seriously consider retirement. I felt I’d reached a point…

It’s That Time of Year Again.

Here we are at Christmas time again, another year just about done. For me, it’s a time to catch my breath, a time to find some calm in the world, a time to think about the past year. A time to reflect, play my guitar, read and catch up on outstanding house and yard tasks.…

Where To From Here

It’s been an interesting couple of months. Amongst the frustrations of the Covid pandemic, I lost Manstheory somewhere in cyber space. Technology support is a funny thing. The techie people talk to you like you know what’s going on. Just do this, then that, download this, contact them, redirect your server, do three handstands then…

Keep the Noose Loose

Interesting month just passed. I took two weeks off work with the intention of pushing on with completing a list of tasks I’d set myself around the house. Add a game of golf and get my annual health checkup. I’d accumulated a lot of leave, it was a way to get these tasks progressed so…

We All Need Downtime

Knowing when to pull up and catch your breath can be easy or it can be hard. I tend to do things the hard way. Let’s call this Part 1. Work has been crazy for a while now, mainly through difficulties with finding good staff. It’s been quite stressful on the team that always dig deep…


COVID 19 has forced change on us all.  If nothing else, it’s made us stop and evaluate what’s really important in our lives.  For a lot of people being in lock down has meant a total reset in lifestyle. The precious commodity of time is back in our hands.  Time to do those jobs at…

The Comfort Zone

It’s dark, my motivation is obviously lacking and I’m not enjoying this one little bit! Dragging myself out of a cozy bed at 4:30 in the morning is just ridiculous and winter is still months away. I ask myself “Why am I doing this? ” – Why?  Well ok yes, having a good level of fitness…

Australia Day – RD

Australia Day 2016 – RD To all the Cricket clubs, Bowls clubs, Footie clubs, Golf clubs, community clubs and any other place of gathering; the 26th of January is a special day on the Australian calendar. From the greatest reef on the planet, to the outback, to the Rock, to the most scenic harbour in…

Remembrance Day – RD

In 1918 on 11th of November at 11am, the Armistice was signed by France, Great Britain and Germany bringing an end to the fighting of World War One. Wednesday of this past week saw the ninety seventh anniversary of this part of history. In 2012, along with my wife and two children I had the…