Lift the Veil

“Lift the Veil” – It’s a term that I use when I’m struggling with my own motivation

Here’s an example,

I’m out on my early morning jog and although I have done it hundreds of times, I can, on occasions find myself struggling with the effort that’s required. It’s like the “Negativity Bias” is alive and well.

I know physically I’m up to the challenge. I have the capability to succesfully get through the distance. The problem is all in my head. It’s like I have a veil hanging over me that clouds my view and weighs me down, hence the run ends up being a greater struggle than it needs to be.

It would be so easy just to stay in my warm cosy bed – maybe  I’ll do it tomorrow or the next day or maybe the day after that. But the risk is, I’ll ultimately give up and stop doing the hard yards and slip back into the herd of mediocrity.

When I’m in this mindset, I could easily kill off any motivation I have and then all that discipline is lost. Have I convinced myself that it’s become just too hard? Thankfully, this isn’t the case.

Whether I feel like it or not, wasting all the hard work that has delivered me to this point outweighs the alternative. I’ve come a long way over a long period of time. It hasn’t been easy, it’s never easy! It never will be easy ! And so I can’t afford not to get my backside into gear. There’s too much to lose.

Quote: “If it was easy everyone would be doing it”.

At 5am the majority are still blissfully snoozing away. So I tell myself ” I am in an distinct minority”. If I’m not being stretched then I’m not going to grow. And if I’m not growing, then I’m just lying to myself if I think all my dreams and plans will just miraculously fall into place without any effort.

Whether its your morning exercise, your work or just getting on with life, we all have our mental ups and downs but the difference is the distinct minority keep turning up regardless. They understand that motivation comes and goes. You can’t be motivated during every waking hour, it’s just not reality. So accept it and get on with it!

I have a lot more I want to experience on so many fronts before my end date arrives. And believe me that day will arrive –  time waits for no man, just ask the long term residents of the local cemetery.

I know if I want to go forward and progress there will be times when I need to “Lift the Veil”. Remove the barrier that can descend over us all, that’s holding us back from having the confidence and motivation to keep moving forward. We don’t need to make it any harder than it needs to be. Shake off the negativity bias and lift the veil!

Talk yourself up, give your self some positive affirmations on why you are a champion. Take pride in your efforts. Focus on what you want to achieve and look after yourself physically and mentally – I have to stress this last point is so important!

You won’t always feel like doing what’s required but stick with it. Recognise when you need some down time? But don’t lose sight of the reason you are pounding whatever pavement you’re on.

Your confidence, your attitude , your mental and physical health and your ability to deal with life’s curve balls will improve dramatically – Lift the Veil !

I hope you gained something from todays post. To understand more about the “Negativity Bias” check out the recent blog. While your on a roll check out  “Don’t Dwell in Brakes Crescent”

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Another two great quotes:

“Get out of your mind and into your greatness” – Les Brown                                                                                                     “Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable” – Unknown

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2 thoughts on “Lift the Veil

  1. Thanks RD, after 18 months and becoming stagnant and being winter I was questioning “why bother”. Not just personally but professionally with the typical issues you can deal with in a corporate world. Somedays it’s just going through the motions and wondering why and what’s next.

    The blog is good timing and sometimes we all just need a sanity check or a good kick up the backside. Time to lift my on veil look at myself in the mirror and perhaps celebrate where I’ve come from and not let others bring me down. Cheers mate.

    • Thanks AV,
      Your right, sometimes it’s a hell of a grind.
      I think we don’t realise that we are progressing, it’s just not as obvious as we would like.
      So it can be the long game. I think we should stop and reflect on where we started and where we are now every so often to keep it in perspective.
      And of course keep don’t get caught in the fog.
      Thanks for your great comment.

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