The Young at Heart

Today’s Younger Generation Are A Lost Bunch ! No doubt just what the generation before said about my generation and the generation before that. As history apparently never repeats, what some are doing to themselves today won’t be the trend tomorrow and with that, for some, a potential costly price to pay in some way…

Book Review – The Four Hour Work Week

The Four Hour Work Week – Timothy Ferriss   Have you ever thought about how you could escape the daily grind of working out of that same office day in day out, clocking up the hours that are really just eating up a major part of your life? How’s about that dream of living anywhere…

Update on Brakes Crescent – The Gull Wing Revived !

A very short post this time – but relevant. In the last blog “Don’t Dwell in Brakes Crescent” the point of not getting yourself out and physically moving about was compared to a neglected super car. I’m very happy to report, due to the diligence of DJ Cooper- International manstheorist, two fine examples of the neglected…

Team Building

It’s a Team Effort !! “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work  – Vince Lombardi” Deep down, most people want to step outside of their comfort zones and achieve a level of success and gain personal improvement. The biggest…

Life Coaches, Attitude and the Ten Commandments

The More Things Change the More they Stay the Same. What gets people to peak performance? Is it their environment – past and present ? Some of the most successful achievers came from poor uneducated environments. While others who had every opportunity through a privileged environment failed dismally. How is it that one man can…

Every Bloke Needs a Ute – RD

To clarify the term Ute: Short for Utility. In car terms, it goes back to the mid-20th century where a farmer’s wife thought it worthwhile approaching a certain manufacturer at the time (I believe it was Ford) to introduce a car that could be used as a workhorse through the working week and be suitable…