The Noble Young Man

It’s within walking distance to one of the best beaches in the world and it was always a bit of a sleeper and a well kept secret. Not anymore, things have changed dramatically in the last couple of years. Gentrification and population growth have well and truly made its way to our once sleepy dog…

No Time for Playtime

You’ve probably heard the 80/20 rule in business – 20% of your clients create 80% of your revenue and hence majority of your profits. What if we applied the 80/20 rule to a different application. That being 80% of your enjoyment or happiest hours come from 20% of your time.  If I consider my time…

Getting Results

A good friend of mine happens to be a Golf Professional and Coach. So it was after much frustration I gave up the idea that I could work this damn game out myself. I also proved time and time again that you can’t buy a golf game in a golf shop. I decided I either…

The Problem with Problems

I came to the realisation quite a few years ago that problems never end. Just as you resolve one problem another appears and quite often the latest problem is as a result of fixing the first problem.  The problems I had when I was younger felt significant at the time, no doubt, causing all levels…

Hitting the Wall

I haven’t sat down and done a blog for a while, I’ve been crazy busy over the last couple of months.  Prior to COVID-19, Deb and myself had our plan for the next two years, that all things being equal would get us to our next phase in what we would like to do in…


COVID 19 has forced change on us all.  If nothing else, it’s made us stop and evaluate what’s really important in our lives.  For a lot of people being in lock down has meant a total reset in lifestyle. The precious commodity of time is back in our hands.  Time to do those jobs at…

The Comfort Zone

It’s dark, my motivation is obviously lacking and I’m not enjoying this one little bit! Dragging myself out of a cozy bed at 4:30 in the morning is just ridiculous and winter is still months away. I ask myself “Why am I doing this? ” – Why?  Well ok yes, having a good level of fitness…

Valid Complaints

I’d like to tell you a short story about a recent experience I had. I promise it will take no more than 2 minutes of your time. Social swimmers like myself take our swimming relatively seriously. We swim to maintain a level of good health and fitness. It doesn’t matter if you’re an elderly lady…

Achieving Success

It feels like every second television and mass media ad is telling us how to achieve success.  “For a limited time you too can drive the biggest and the best car, have the best of everything in your new home that’s the size of a 12th century castle.” “You too can be just as gorgeous…