
A picture tells a thousand words. A kayak is paddling in the open ocean. But if you look closely, just behind the kayak, hidden in obscurity is a lone swimmer. The conditions are abysmal, the wind is increasing. The support in the kayak has already been tumbled by a rogue wave and is himself struggling.…

Peace and Quiet

Peace and quiet – it’s a beautiful thing, it calms the mind and the soul. So much of the world around us is consumed by distraction. The need to be constantly attached like an appendage to our mobile devices is crazy. Sadly, I plead guilty in reacting to the “beep beep” that tells me another…

Burn the Boats !

Deb and I have started planning our next change, it will set us on the path in what we want to experience and achieve in our lives. It’s not the first time we’ve arrived at a point where we’ve decided it’s time to start the change process. In our past, for varying reasons – our…

The Challenge of Change

Change is never far away, it’s a constant in our lives. Sometimes change isn’t invited but it rains on our party regardless. You didn’t anticipate it, you didn’t ask for it, you didn’t plan for it! It’s forced upon you. You have to deal with it whether you like it or not. That’s the S—…

Adventure and Discovery

The Roman Philosopher Seneca said that “Travel and Change of Place Impart new Vigour to the Mind”. And so it was over Christmas we had the pleasure of visiting Canada in its winter. It was a world of beauty and extremes. After a spectacular drive through the Rocky Mountains we arrived at the beautiful Fairmont…

Looking Back To Go Forward ​

As another year ends, I take the time to reflect on the past twelve months. I flick through my diary which ignites my memory of the year’s events. I’m reminded of my experiences, what I learned, what excited me and what challenged me. It brings the past year into focus that otherwise would be lost…


I love reading, it’s the exercise of the mind. Reading can be educational, it’s entertaining. Through the imagination of the author it can take you away to experience another world. My curiosity with human endeavour and what makes people “tick” gives me a leaning towards biographies, though I really enjoy a great story. They say you can tell a…

Make a Decision – Right or Wrong

Once upon a time most suburbs had a small set of shops. There was a newsagent, a butcher, a small supermarket and a service station. When you were at the service station, the attendant would fill your car, check the oil, check the water and tyres. You didn’t have to get out of your car ! It was a…

Carpe Diem – Seize the Day

The Latin phrase “Carpe Diem” meaning “Seize the Day” isn’t a new revelation. Apart from the ancient Roman times, it was also expressed in many English poems in the 16th and 17th centuries.Robin Williams in his role as the breakaway teacher, John Keating, in the movie “The Dead Poets Society” used the phrase to motivate his…

Shock Proof Your Work Life

In my early teens, one of my first jobs was a runner on a milk run. (Yes, there was a time when people had their milk delivered each evening). It was a hard gig for a skinny kid. There would be two runners standing on the back of the truck, tucked under the canopy, reaching into the bulk…