Resilience and Ancient Philosophy

I’ve spent a fair bit of time reading more than usual over the last twelve months.

I read a few books by John Grisham (always a great fictional read) and the classic “Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens which was very enjoyable and gave me a further insight into the French Revolution – not to mention the invention of a very efficient machine that simplified, and was solely used for, the removing of the bourgeois heads en masse – La Guillotine!

I wonder if this is where the saying “Don’t lose your head” came from??

I’d also read something recently that intrigued me, which lead me to dive a bit deeper into Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. You’ve probably heard of Seneca, Epictetus and the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. We’re talking references to Socrates, Augustus, Nero, Hercules, Caesar and the God Zeus.

All these near mythical names that bring up visions of Chariots, Gladiators, Roman soldiers and fat middle aged men in Toga’s. Interestingly, and I never realised or had given it consideration, that the times of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus were similar to the Apostles. Reference is made on more than one occasion to the likeness in some writings from both Roman philosophy and the apostle Mathew. In fact Marcus Aurelius makes mention of his stoic dislike for this new Christianity that was obviously being touted by a few door to door salesman flogging a new way of life at the time.

What I learned

The societal classes weren’t that much different to today. Some were upper class, some lower and the majority were the middle class. The philosophy in seeking to understand the value and good and bad in people and life and all associated hasn’t really changed. Whether you were a Slave, a Soldier, a Politician or an Emperor, there was always something or someone causing issues and challenging times were always to be dealt with. Granted the punishment or outcomes were swift at times and not for the faint hearted but none the less the colloquial “Pain in the backside” was alive and well.

Read on – Does this ring any bells?

Marcus Aurelius makes comment in his “Meditations” that his Army having just returned to Rome from a far off military campaign had been infected by a virus and this virus was spreading through Rome at a devastating rate, wiping out thousands. Fancy that ! Park up the Chariots my friends and wheel out international air travel and ta da!! You’ve got an international pandemic.

Amongst other things, through the philosophies of Epictetus and the writings of Marcus Aurelius” which go back thousands of years, resilience was obvious and played a big part in living one’s life.

Back to 2022

I can only be honest in saying, for me, the past two years have created continual challenges over and above the “normal” problems of life – Normal being every other problem outside of Covid. Certainly the last six weeks with the relaxation of state borders brought about by increased vaccination levels and the expected explosion of Covid into the population has caused massive stress for so many. Particularly in the workplace. I take my hat off to those who in staying true to the needs of the community, their business, their workplace and work colleagues by taking responsibility for their own health and continuing to turn up every day to face growing hardships through dwindling resources and staff shortages, has required a whole new level of resilience. It’s one thing to work hard but this is next level, you really do need to be able to push through so many obstacles and challenges that seem to be relentless.

If I’m anything like so many others – you have to dig deep. I’m sure we’re all asking the same questions – Will we ever go back to normality? Can I get through this? Or is it becoming just too hard? I certainly don’t know the answers and I doubt anyone does at this stage. We have little choice but to hang in there.

Not much else to do or say really.

Maybe give the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius a read.

As always thanks for reading.

Ps – Thats me being philosophical.

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