The fear of failure holds many people back from realising their potential. Having confidence in your abilities to work your way through life’s challenges is a definite advantage. But the “want” needs to be there in the first place. Finding a little courage in backing yourself might make all the difference.
Living in your comfort zone is a secure and safe place – or is it? The danger is the world outside keeps changing regardless of whether you like it or not. If you are relying on your employer, your friends, your community or worse still – the government to insulate or hand you your future needs, then unfortunately your world will end up very average at best. We all need to keep moving. The saying “If you’re standing still you’re going backwards” couldn’t be closer to the truth.
So if it’s the fear of failure that holds you back, think…. what’s the worst that can happen ?
I know I’ve made life changing decisions that thinking back really were a huge step outside of my comfort zone and really challenged me. I often wonder if I hadn’t made those decisions would I be where I am today? I’d suggest the answer is – probably not! Would I do it again? That answer would depend on what do I want out of my next stage in life and what’s the level of risk to reach that goal.
What may seem a small step for some may be a huge step for others. Regardless of your situation, you don’t have to accept being unhappy day in day out. Making (or needing) a small change that may just give you a little joy or that something extra in how you want to live your life might not be as big a risk as you think.
If you want to study or improve your skills, my wife, Deb, has just successfully completed her final exam in achieving her second university degree. I can tell you from first hand experience, she has had to dig deep and has had plenty of challenges in reaching her goal. Ten years ago if you told her she would hold two university degrees she would not have believed you ! But the time was right for her, even with some trepidation and a little fear of what it would take.. What’s the worst that could have happened – after much effort she could have failed the exam. Then she would just have to have another go.
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Or …. the young tradesman that made the decision to start working for himself. If he didn’t do it now he would never know if he could create a successful business with his name on the door. What’s the worst scenario – he goes back working for another tradesman.
I’ve always found that if you need it, you will always get assistance, good people want you to succeed.
We aren’t talking about climbing Mount Everest or putting everything on the line, it’s just giving yourself a fair go to realise probably what you already know deep down.
Remember whatever is causing your fear, chances are it will never happen so what are you waiting for ?
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