What’s been happening

It’s all good

After receiving a few emails asking why I haven’t been active for a while on manstheory.com, I thought it appropriate to give an insight into my past months.

Simply put, I’ve been really busy.

My paid job has required an increased focus with staff changes, new challenges and an increasing involvement in assisting with other areas of the business.

Other interests including chairing a Body Corporate has also contributed to a busy world.

I’ve never done it before but I’ve also successfully refurbished a bathroom – I mean I did the lot from whoa to go (except the electrics – thanks Tom)!How good is You Tube !In a nut shell, I’ve been challenging myself in what I can really achieve rather than telling myself what I can’t. No excuses – like I haven’t time, I’m too tired, it’s out of my league, it’s the weekend bla bla.

I’ve made myself get off my backside and practice what I preach – so to speak.

As they say, if you want to talk the talk then you have to walk the walk. Along the way I’ve had a few roadblocks externally and internally, but mostly it’s been a very positive and hugely successful couple of months.

On the home front, we’ve had friends visiting from both interstate and internationally.

It’s been great fun hanging out with such interesting and exciting people and showing them around our city. Culminating in an end to a great year!

So back to the question on manstheory.com.

We started manstheory.com for a bit of fun. Our idea was to create a site comprising various topics of interest that may inspire thought, action or just encourage people to give something a go. Maybe that trip that you’ve always wanted to do, get an insight into that special car or bike you would like to own or just stepping outside of your comfort zone  – amongst other things.

To keep a regular blog with quality content of interest takes time and effort. After some thought and soul searching, we’ve decided to keep to the original format and push on with our goal of creating  something of value to who ever wants to be a part of having a great life and sharing the experiences.

Our ethos is don’t just get a post out for the sake of it. It’s about the value of the content!  Not just posting stuff for the sake of it. As we all know our inboxes are constantly receiving inconsequential rubbish that we just delete, delete, delete!

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We also have a lot to learn about formatting and marketing which is a great challenge and part of the ride in improving the whole manstheory.com experience.

The pleasures I have experienced while creating posts for manstheory.com have been two fold. Firstly, I have discovered so much more about myself and improving my own personal development. I have also had the pleasure of spending time with some extremely interesting people from all walks of life who have some amazing stories, interests or insights.

So it became increasingly obvious that these stories and great lessons should continue to be shared.

Part of our aim for the future of manstheory.com will include an increased contribution from guest bloggers.

Important paragraph coming up !!

We’d like to invite and capture the value that we can all gain from the motivational insights of such humble and non-promoting people that get up every day and take on their world. So whether you’re a commercial Salmon fisherman in Canada, a Prosthetic Limb specialist in California, a Truck Driver in Brisbane or an adventurer in your 20’s; if you have something you would like to share and think it fits the mould of manstheory.com, send me an email to manstheory1@gmail.com with a brief outline of your topic. I would love to hear from you.

I’m really excited and looking forward to a successful 2018. I wish you all the best for the upcoming year and hope you also gain some great value from manstheory.com

Let’s get into the year ahead !! – RD

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